120 micron Citrus Skunk Hash

Bubble Hash

SKU: 41-3-1219
  • Availability: Out of Stock

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Product Description

120 micro pressed bubble hash made with cirus skunk, certainly a daytime hash that hit me in the head and then melted into the body. I think all the hash lovers will enjoy this one.



Supernatural1971 2019-07-29 09:48:33

Taste 8.3 Fruity skunk High 9.2 Hybrid amped high for me If u admire the weed strain You will enjoy this # Lovin the 120 micron! smokes 8.1 burns fast pure ash half melt Recommend & reorder!

slickgreek 2019-06-24 02:10:23

Amanzingly strong shit... if you suffer from insomnia.. that should do the trick!