Cheeba Cones 6 Pack


SKU: 11-54-1607
  • Availability: Out of Stock

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Product Description

Made in-house from a little of everything we bring in. The roller, a classic all-day weed smoker packs these with love. The kinda guy who would work with Snoop Dogg. You get the picture.

Every joint is more than a Gram.



Martman 2020-11-10 01:00:56

Thought I would try these out...quite pleasant...well crafted. Smoked well. easy for sharing with friends. everyone gets their own and I didn't have to roll them. Great deal. Thanks Cheeba's and Hashman for another great product.

Supernatural1971 2020-04-21 12:35:10

Buy six pick up Styx Don't get 2 save $11 Grate joint! Clean 1 light no runs no drops guessing Hashman used OG Kush for filler 0 tobacco Not sure what hash is used hopefully will put on description buy it! A better hash joint then I can roll. Price & Handy 8.22 all boxes Like a little more hash taste but if you like Kush Who doesn't? Then this guess ,3g hash .7g of OG then Buy $49 for 6 Great deal Buying again! buzzed 2 hours would guess its over 20% THC Feel hybrid IND Dom smoke anytime for sexperience shmokers

Twelvecircles 2020-10-27 07:00:49

Did the trick, but didn't taste any hash really.

hallucinate 2020-05-08 08:07:43

Not bad but not the best.