DISPOSABLE 0.4ml - Pure Pulls - Assorted Disposables

Disposable Vapes

SKU: 37-23-1309
  • Availability: Out of Stock

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Product Description

A disposable optiuon from our friends at Pure Pulls, this 400mg C02 oil is perfect for a night out with friends or some casual and descrete vaping on the go, Not as strong of a pull of these as the actual Pure Pulls kits but still nice and potent. To make sure you don't uverheat the coil or battery give this item a few moments in between multiple hits to cool down. 

**Please note in the event of a device failure (less than 2%) we will issue an account credit for a faulty device not send a new one in the mail**



Chronic 2020-02-21 08:48:09

This thing is the best for the money. I work at a call center and I can get away with vaping this without anyone knowing or caring. It keeps me pain free and able to deal with stupid customer phone calls